Friday, September 21, 2012

Gavin's first day of Preschool.

Gavin 4 1/2 
It was finally his big day and he was so excited (as was I)!  He had been waiting patiently since Makenna went back three weeks before he started.  He also had been itching to wear his backpack since we bought it in July.  
The wait did not disappoint!  He went back to the same school he went to last year which was very comforting for the both of us.  He jumped right out of the car and didn't even care if I went to take pictures and make sure he was OK.  When I went to pick him up and he said, "Mom.  I had so much fun at school today"  Which is not like him to actually voice how it went.  The following weeks have been just as easy and he loves every minute of it!!!

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