Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Stretched out

I just have to know, will my stretched out stomach ever go back to looking somewhat normal instead of looking like some lumpy, wrinkly thing? I'm sure that is way TMI, but it seems like no matter what I do, my "core"as people call it, looks the same. N-ASS-TY....


Shelly said...

After my little sister had her baby, she asked me when her stomach would go completely back to normal and I said it won't. Well, for some reason hers did so what's up with mine now!?! Let me know if you get it figured out!

Allie said...

Good Luck with that, let me know if you figure it out. I have even lost 20 lbs lately and it hasn't done squat for me either.


Sadly, I'm with you on the wrinkly part. They're called stretch marks!

Lori said...

I hear ya. This is my issue eveeryday. I am 18 months out and still not better. That is why I say tummy tuck. :)

Jason and Joanna said...

ummm... good luck! :) FYI- my header picture is changed :)

Leilani said...

Is it supposed to go back to "normal" because after all this time, I thought that is was normal for me to look this way. Hum -weird. Sydney is almost two, and I still workin' on my four year old's stretch mark aftermath. So will I always be two years behind?Too bad. I'm gettin "the works" after my last baby. I am saving the money now!