Monday, January 4, 2010

TWO cute!

So it is official. My baby is TWO. That's right TWO! And I LOVE it.... LOVE IT! I am not a huge baby fan if you didn't already know, but I yove, yove, YOVE this age. He says his L's with a Y. (hence the "yove" word) He is saying so many words and sentences right now. The phrase that made me laugh the other day was "HEY YOU KID!" I don't have a clue where he picked that up but it was totally random and hilarious.

He is a little mischievous monkey, but we love it. And he knows it. He is also very stubborn and opinionated (we aren't sure where that came from HA!). He yoves his sister Kenna and he also loves to torture his sister. He is ALL boy. Oh boy Gavs. We YOVE you!

Let's reminisce with pictures of the last two years.... I will even post a prego picture for a good laugh!

I don't know what is wrong with my face. Michael Jackson syndrome?

So new and cute! Sorry if that is too graphic!

Love/hate at first sight!

He L.O.V.E.S. his dad!

One years old! Still does!

Two years old!
Even more now!

Isn't he so grown up?! :(


Heather said...

He is such a cutie and he looks so much like Brent. I love little mischevious boys, they're fun. I guess it's time for you to think about having another one, right? Okay, so that is a way funny picture. Thanks for posting it. Happy Birthday Gavs, We yove you too!

The Foisy's said...

Hey, I'm with ya on the baby thing! Aves is two and it's so fun but she can throw some fits!!! That kind of stinks but I love all the talking!

Aaron and Bonnie said...

Wow, he is such a big boy. He is such a cute little man though. Happy Birthday little Gav Man.

Lori said...

Happy Belated Bithday! Our boys are so big. I'm not a fan of baby stage either, so yay for 2!