Monday, September 22, 2008


That's right ladies (and maybe men?). I am talking about the vampire that I know most have you have fantasized about!!! Now that he is coming to life in the movie, I would like to see who (celebrity or not and it can't be your hubby) you think would be the perfect Edward. The guy that the author picked is not nearly dreamy enough to be Edward in my opinion. So, for all of those that would like, you can either comment on this post, or post a picture on your blog for all to see! Please do this for me so I don't feel so lame! hahaha... I usually do anyway so I guess it really doesn't matter.



Cheryl said...

I have to say, I've never heard of that guy, but he SURELY has my vote. My heart's aflutter just imagining him as Edward. Yeah, I think you're right.

Now, with whom shall we replace Bella? The movie's actress just doesn't cut it.

The Foisy's said...

I haven't heard of him either but he is hot!! Hmm, I'll go with your pick cause I have no idea! Good job!

Jen said...

I haven't heard of this guy either, but he looks like eye candy to me! But Ray has prettier eyes that him either way!

Linds said...

Now there is the Edward that is in my head (and dreams) haha. The one for the movie just doesn't do it for me!


Yes! He is a much better choice than the one they have picked out

HeatherStout said...

I have to admit, I wasn't so fond of the movie Edward at first, but he has totally grown on me. I think I'm gonna love him. But, I would go for Chace, too. HOT.

Leilani said...

I would like to start off by saying that my husband is incredibly hot...(now that I got all of the legal mumbo jumbo outta the way) Holy Crap that guy is gorgeous! Leaps and bounds better than the "movie Edward." This hottie I could actually get my heart palpating for! I agree also with switching out Bella. I didn't like their casting job at all! Chase you have my vote - if anybody in Hollywood cares- which I'm guessing they don't.