Monday, October 5, 2009

Her trash, my treasure!

My little sister has a major shopping problem, and I LOVE it! The best thing she, she has good taste and decided to start cleaning her closet out. Which means, that I got TWENTY, thats right TWENTY! pairs of pants, shorts or capris. I am so glad she decided to start purging her closet. I can't wait for the tops and dresses to come my way! The crazy thing is, I bet she still has at least 20 more pairs of pants at her house! Thanks Bree!


Andrew and Cori said...

Holy crap. That's a lot of stuff. Yeah, I'd say you totally benefited from her shopping obsession... maybe you should offer to go shopping with her more just to fuel the fire. :)

Heather said...

That is so awesome. I too benefit from a friends shopping problem and I absolutely love it. Tell her to keep up the shopping!

Marcie said...

I love having a sister too that does that. Mindy is always sending me clothes! Sisters are the best!

Melissa said...

Wow! That's awesome. Lucky you were the smae size.

Janalyn said...

just to make it clear... I bet half of those are MY pants!!!
just want to make sure I get some credit!