Tuesday, February 23, 2010

My TV boy toys.

YUM, YUM, YUM, YUM, YUM. That's all I can say about these delicious looking men on TV. Pathetic!? Yeah, I know. But I bet secretly you are thanking me. So you're welcome.


Jenny said...

I see you're a fan of Grey's... Mmmm. Jenny DOES thank you! {drool}

Andrew and Cori said...

Ok, so I'm a little clueless. Who is the guy at the bottom?

Aubrey said...

I agree with the first pick. I think he's my favorite.

Aaron and Bonnie said...

Lyndsi, you are such a nut!! What if Aaron put his TV babe toys on our blog:)??????

Lyndsi said...

Bonnie, I think if Aaron put those up, you would move back here, and he would stay there!!! :) haha... the best part is, Brent loves all of the babes on the same shows that I love the boys on! (Pam, Kara, Izzie etc.) haha!

And Cori (if you get this) the guy on the bottom is McSteamy off of Grey's

Heather said...

You are PATHETIC!!! But at least you know it. Thanks for the eye candy!!!