Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Rice & Peas.

is what I found all over my floor and counters awhile ago. Brent was out of town, and the kids (yes BOTH of them) decided it would be fun to throw their food all over the place. And when I say everywhere, I mean EVERWHERE. I didn't know what else to do but laugh and then clean it up. I tried having them help, but that made it worse. Much worse. Therefore, I stuck them in the tub and cleaned up. Usually, it is Brent's job to clean up dinner. Lucky for him, he was gone. Needless to say, we haven't had that meal again!


Kengie said...

I see Makenna is in her usual "martin attire". :)

Heather said...

That's hilarious. Good for you for not yelling. I would have. Makenna is such a "naked movie star".