Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Yesterday at approximately 11:52 AM, I got my first speeding ticket in over 5 years. (That is a record for me). The last time I got a ticket was in my wreck which was my fault (thanks again Misty for helping out! :) ) Anyway, I got pulled over by my old stomping grounds (Dixie High School) and had NO CLUE why I was getting pulled over. Well it happens that I was speeding by Cinema Six and the dumb A cop decided to give me a ticket. He didn't even give me a chance to try and show a little cleave or anything (just kidding about actually showing it). He then went back to his car and sat for about 10 minutes while my kids SCREAMED the whole time. After he was done writing my $82 ticket, he asked me if I was wearing contacts (which I don't have) and then lectured me about how I should be wearing glasses if it says that on my license (I lost my glasses years ago). My kids were screaming the whole time and by the time I was done, I was bawling my kids were bawling and Officer Jackass was feeling pretty good about himself. DUMB COP!


Heather said...

Im sorry you didn't get a chance to utilize your awesome cleavage! Merry Christmas no one!

Live Life said...

He must have been GAY!... not that there is anything wrong with that. But really?? Your a hottie...he had to be into guys...there is no other reason!
It must have been the same cop that gave my mom one as well, he didnt give her a chance either! What a wenis! BTW No problem..lol I forget about that wreck! That was crazy one! Glad you were ok!!!

Janalyn said...

I almost just started crying for you... did you mention who your aunt is?

The Foisy's said...

Dude, you should have just showed the cleave!! Just kidding! What a jerk! Just cuz they're cops doesn't mean they have the right to be on a power trip! He was probably a rookie! I totally know how you feel. Whenever they've treated me like crap, I've just wanted to cry!

Allie said...

Sammi knows just how you feel, she got a ticket at midnight in front of the school that cost her a whoppin $100 the other night. What a butt nuggett, cops totally SUCK!!!!! Oops... I should be nice my brother-in-law is one. LOL

Leilani said...

Ha Ha Ha! You should move to Cedar!!!!!!!!!! Do you know how many tickets we have gotten out of this year???? (A LOT) But then again my cleavage is amazing!!(J?K)
But seriously, Justin would never be so rude... I am so sorry, don't you think that all legit mom should be let off, I certainly think that all mini vans should not be pulled over...come on...!

Jason and Joanna said...

I am SO sorry! Next time you see Jason tell him that story and see what his reaction is lol! But hey- you had a good streak- 5 years!

Jason and Joanna said...

oh ya... maybe that lady that was crossing the street by Target last week called you in and so the cop was on a hunt for you... just maybe. :)