Tuesday, March 9, 2010


OK, so I might have ended up telling the big "O" (also known as Oprah) a small, teeny, tiny, white lie. I cannot NOT be on my phone in the car. I get so much "work" done while I'm driving. As my dear, great friend Heather put it "It's easier to talk on the phone in the car because then you aren't neglecting your kids at home." Although, I don't text in the car. I only dial numbers if I am stopped at a light, or on speed dial. I had to come clean to all three of you readers, so if you ever call me on the phone and I'm driving, and I answer, I won't feel guilty. I don't like to lie. So Oprah, I talk on the phone in the car. But I do pay close attention. And I don't text.


Cheryl said...

With you. I didn't take the pledge. I know it wouldn't work for me, either. I mostly talk to my Man...and we have an agreement that if the call gets in the way, all we say is "Gotta go, bye." And the other will understand. And I like to use speakerphone in the car...so I don't have to keep my hand at my ear the whole time!

Heather said...

Good for you, way to come clean. Are you sure you didn't text me about the drink in the car today? J/K. Talking in the car is almost as hard to give up as D.P.

Jenny said...

Ahhh! I am so glad you told us!
I was actually thinking of your post as I was talking on the phone in my car, a police man at my side and one behind me... luckily, nothing happened... just thought of you and how guilty I felt that I didn't take the pledge. I love my phone and although I agree we aren't all great drivers as we talk... it's much better then texting, I only do that when the car is at a complete stop. GUILTY!