Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Fazoli's breadsticks

So Makenna's new favorite thing to do is feed the ducks at St. George golf course in Bloomington Hills. We've only done it twice. The first time we took Target popcorn and they ate it all up... the second time we were eating at Fazoli's with the Osborns and Bryan had a genius idea of taking the breadsticks to feed them. Let me tell you, ducks, swans, and geese LOVE breadsticks. Makenna threw a whole breadstick in the pond and it was hilarious to watch them fight over it. One duck took it and started to swim away with it and the other ducks tried to steal it. It was pretty dang funny. Here are some pics of the girls over there.


Jill Wittwer said...

Cute pics! I hope that you don't mind that I am peeking at your blog. I found your link on Lindsey T's blog!

Lori said...

I love little kid friends, they look so cute together.

Janalyn said...

Why can't we have little duck ponds in our living room to entertain these two on a daily basis?

Jason and Joanna said...

I now know what to do with my extra breadsticks from Fazoli's now!