Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Princess, ponies and pictures!

Well we are back from SLC and have finally recovered! We had a lot of fun for the 36 hours we were gone! In a short version of the trip it was this!

Thanksgiving Point. We went to the petting zoo that they have and Kenna loved the chickens and the plastic table in the middle of the little area. She did ride the cute little pony though which I was surprised she got on! She did like it more than the picture shows.

Disney Princess on Ice. Makenna was FASCINATED with the show! Gavin slept half of the time and "watched" the rest, but Makenna just sat there and hardly moved the whole show! She giggled when the princesses she knew came out including the "little merlaid" and Cinderella! All of the pictures I took look like she is mad and bored because she was so absorbed in the show. I did get her to smile in one picture during intermission.

We also went to the Hansen Planetarium and she actually liked going and seeing all the planets and some ball thing! She loved crawling on the moon rocks and Mars rocks.

Here is a picture of Gavin at the show! He looks like he is enjoying it eh?!

Kenna now talks about "sleeping bluey" and the dragon with fire and Jasmine as well (she has never seen the shows but she liked them I reckon!) I hope I don't have to buy all the dress ups for those! Oh by the way, I'll never by another Barbie again. I thought it would be cute to buy Kenna a Little Mermaid Barbie (I hate Barbies BTW) and as soon as I opened the box she was undressed so now Kenna plays with a Mermaid with plastic "booties" (boobs) Anyway, laters!

1 comment:

Lori said...

sounds fun. those are all great places to visit, the only place you really missed was the children's museum.