Sunday, March 23, 2008


I would like to take a second and thank Adam and Eve for giving us our obnoxious weeds. If they would have stayed in the Garden and not fallen for Satans tricks, I wouldn't have wasted my Saturday night pulling them in my back yard! haha... well, I do know we all wouldn't be here if it wasn't for them, but whatev!
OK, so Brent and I have lived in our house for five flippin' years and we've had grass in our backyard for four years. But we have yet to put in rocks and plants in our back yard for some unknown reason... which means we get weeds. Now, I'm not talking about small little cute weeds, I'm talking about gargantuan weeds that sometimes get taller than me in a matter of two weeks!!! There are so many weeds that we can't even hire anybody to pull these weeds, so every year we end up pulling these stupid weeds and swear that we will never do it again. So last night for our date night last night that is what we did. Pulled our gargantuan weeds and have sworn we will never do it again. Now we have made plans for this weekend to put the weed paper down and lay rock down. Now will it happen!? Who knows, but as of now- we don't have weeds anymore! :) Once again, thank you Adam and Eve!

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