Sunday, March 2, 2008

What a ladies man!

Halle-freaking-luah! The weekend is finally over... I baked cookies all day Friday and Saturday (which I'm proud to say I only ate 4 between both days!) but I think I probably drank more Diet Pepsi in the past three days than I have in the past month. I am drinking one right now and it is DELICIOUS! Anyway, enough of that. The blessing went off great! Brent did wonderful and Gavin didn't cry at all. Brent said that he was awake the whole time for the blessing just looking around. Kenna was great during sacrament and looked super cute. The best part was I didn't have to get up to bear my testimony. I hate doing it because of two things. First off, I would trip walking up there and then when I would open my mouth I might just swear because I would be so scared and then not say another word. Luckily all of the other people took up enough time so we didn't even look like we were avoiding it. Here are a couple of pictures of the little man! (his cat scratch is still on his face but he is so cute anyway!)

1 comment:

Lori said...

I'm glad the blessing went well. The scratches did heal well. He looks so cute.