Thursday, June 5, 2008


Well today once again I thought I would be a good mommy and take Makenna to story time. Well by the middle I felt like I was the naughty mommy and Makenna was naughtier! Mkenna once again is starting to push and hit a little bit again and today during story time she decided to whomp on some 5 year old boy that was 4 times her size. She just barely tapped him the first couple of times and then I guess I missed her pushing some 4 year old boy. His mom then proceeded to come and "yell" at me to have my kid stop pushing and hitting. I was about in tears by then. So I yanked Makenna off the rug and got mad at her. Thank you Janalyn for holding Gavin while I disciplined! Anyway, so I apologize to everyone if Makenna hits or pushes your kid. I am working on her not doing it, so work with me! I'm not trying to be a bad mom! And for the mom that scolded me. Your boy is going to be a wuss if he can't take it from a two year old! :) haha. No, that is mean... True, but mean! Don't get me wrong, I know that pushing and hitting is bad and she didn't do it, but really. She's two! :)

PS. The library has a lot of corners for time out!


Janalyn said...

Sweetie I thought of you all day!
That mom really was a 'mean girl' in high school for sure!!

Cheryl said...

I bet she was! I can't believe it. Good luck with that. My niece could sure learn to not push or (almost) 1 year old!

I don't look forward to the time when Zachary starts doing it too!

Micki said...

Lynds, I need to visit your blog more, you crack me up! I feel for you but what a story you'll be able to laugh about when Makenna's a few years older and gets all embarrassed. . . Takin' on the five year olds! you go girl! ;) And the JJ thing, I have to show Braden that post for sure.

Allie said...

People just need to learn to shut up. I mean seriously are you telling me that her kid hasn't ever done that. What a great example she was setting when she cussed you out. ARGHH!! I think that I would call her the retard.

Leilani said...

That is one crazy story, I am sure glad moms didn't scream at me when my one-year-old bit almost every kid in town! it's not like her kid hasn't ever acted up, for heaven's sake. Haha life goes on..


I love it. ROck on Makenna. If I was there, I would have punched that mom in the face for you.

Dustin & Angie Drake said...

That mom was ridiculous. I told Dustin about how annoying she was, and he concurred: her kids are going to be total pansies!