Thursday, June 12, 2008

What goes around!

Must come around! So here's the story...

Today was Thursday (storytime) and so I decided to brave it and face "THE MOTHER" Now, at first I wondered if she would be there with her kids, or if they were just so terrified of Makenna that she didn't come back. Well, they were tough enough and we saw them there. She eyed me down. I eyed her down (dun dun dun). Makenna went and sat down on the rug and listened and sang and had a gay ol' time. I know she kept an eye on Kenna the whole time (as did I) and her boys. Makenna was really good and then I had packed a lunch for Makenna and Camryn so we had them start eating it and I had to go pick Brent up from Zion Motors. After I dropped him off to go rescue Janalyn I went and got lunch and came back and this is what happened. I was sitting there and "THE MOTHER" was up on top of the stairs. Makenna was playing in the little canal thing minding her own business when one of the boys came and tackled Kenna from behind and knocked her to the ground! The mom didn't do ANYTHING! So, being the protective mother I am, went up to "the mother" (mind you Brent has Makenna) and I lost it. I was shaking, sweating and almost in tears. I said, "Dude, whats your problem?! Are you kidding me?! If you have something against my mothering and letting my kid push around yours, let me know (as she did last week), but don't have your FIVE year old little boy take it out on my little girl because she "touched" him last week! What kind of a mother are you?! You have some major issues lady!" and then I said, "YOU'RE FAT!" I flipped my hair, huffed and walked off to go comfort my little miss! Can you believe that!? Seriously! The nerve of some women!
And yes, that is a beanie she is wearing with no clothes on!

I hope you can't believe it because that really isn't what happened. Kenna was playing at the water park, "Mother" was there, but some little kid tackled Makenna (on accident) and she hit her head. The mom felt really bad and apologized and no, I didn't tell her her parenting skills were horrible! Kenna is tough and it hasn't really bothered her since! :)


Cheryl said...
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Cheryl said...

You totally had me going with that story. I totally believed you! I'm glad it wasn't really true though.

I think I saw you yesterday at the Pine View Park. You left right after I got there. I was about to shay hi but you were outta there!

Maybe next time!

Leesa said...

Totaly bought it. My jaw dropped to the floor when I read you said she was FAT. You are a great story teller, you should be the one at the library reading "good" stories to the kids. Poor Makenna, I hope she is okay.

Live Life said...

I was thinking man that little kid really did a number on her! poor girl! You got me! Then all I could think was about this little boy that was there the time we went and he was tackeling everone....I had my eye on him...I think he got lyssa though. That looks like it hurts...give her kisses for me...poor thing!

I dont EVER want to get into it with you! ;) heehee

Melissa Garn said...

You just made me laugh so hard I got tears in my eyes! Thanks. I couldn't stop laughing when I heard the "you're fat" part. You crack me up. I hope MaKenna is feeling better, and I hope you don't mind me blog stalking.

Robyn said...

MAN!! hahahai laughed out loud at work when i read this.....especially when you said you yelled YOUR FAT!!! its ok though lyns, one day you will have your turn to chew out a mom too!!! but you are probably too nice to take it :)

HeatherStout said...

I've been laughing/crying for about five minutes! The funniest thing about that story is, I totally believed you would do it, even the fat comment! Hey, we gotta protect our kids, right?

Lori said...

I totally believed you. Poor girl though, that looks really bad. I'm glad the story isn't true though.

The Foisy's said...

Oh poor baby!!! You are too funny! I miss the ward so much. We've been to St.George a couple of times since we've moved and it just feels like home. I hate leaving. I loved our neighborhood so much. I think about it all the time. Things here are ok though and as time progresses and our house is finished, I'm sure it will get better.

Andrew and Cori said...

Aww man!! I was totally going for the fist story. I would have been proud to call you my friend. :)

Ryan said...

hee hee. I liked the first story better.


I believed you! I thought why didnt she tell me that at the pool today? Good laughs! She looks so much better now. That looked really sore, poor thing!