Saturday, May 17, 2008


This is the new DIEGO! Brent went to three different stores and finally found him on the top of a Play-Doh and purchased him. We had to cut off the bottom of the lid, but here he is. It didn't fool her. The first thing Makenna said when she woke up the next morning "Where's my other Diego!?" And then proceeded to tell us "He went down the toilet and is at the beach!" The terrible tragedy of Diego going down the toilet has benefited us tremendously! Since the accident, Makenna has not got out of bed once! We tell her if she gets out of her bed, then Diego will go in the potty! And BAM! Hasn't been out since! WAHOO! I now have my nights back to my TV :)

1 comment:

Leilani said...

Nice... oh ya I forgot to tell you that threatening and bribing works, we do it all the time:) Congrats on your latest accomplishments!!!!